IND 501         Fall 2015
Project 1       Design for the MoMA  Store

You have an opportunity to present product ideas that promote you and your brand to MoMA Store buyers 7 weeks from now. They are interested in expanding their catalog offerings for “modern living” and are looking for lines of new gift items and new designer name brands to expand their offerings in the kitchen and in the office. They have retained you to propose designs for products that could be produced on demand by methods such as lazer cutting or water jet cutting from flat or sheet materials. They also are interested in the inherent qualities of such designs lending to create packaging that is compact and appealing as a gift  and involves the recipient in a fun assembly experience. 

The Challenge:

You have seven weeks to design and develop a proposal for 3 gift products that would be a good fit for the MoMA store, typically found either on a kitchen counter or home office desktop, and could be produced on demand by methods such as laser cutting or water jet cutting from flat or sheet materials. 

The 3 products should be related to each other so that customers might value owning all three They should present your personal brand as a designer, your wit, style, sense of function and form.c
The buyers for the store are particularly interested in work that connects emotionally with their customers with an intellectual tickle. They are especially aware of the power of irony present in their most popular products and understand this as an important modernist connection point that can be attributed to artists like Marcel Duchamp

They also are most interested in lines of products that work together and motivate the customers to get the entire line.
The buyers have asked that when you meet with them, that you present your work and your designer profile as it would fit in the current MoMA store website and/or catalog.

Week 1
In Class:          Project Brief and Kick off
  Class Project Framing

Homework:      Contextual Research (Stakeholders, Value criteria, Framing Questions )
                        Initial idea development/ Investigation of personal brand)
  Develop a list of 5 – 10 personal brand characteristics or values
  Select 5 images that help to convey your brand

  Develop 10 possible conceptual approaches ( intellectual tickle ) through       thumbnail sketches

Week 2
In Class:          Class critique and individual discussions
                        Idea sketching and sketch model techniques

Homework:      Continue contextual research
   Idea Generation and Exploration
   Brand collage

   Idea sketches and concept development 10 ideas
   (10 pages minimum)

   Sketch models, in paper, foam-core, and foam

Week 3            
   In Class:  Class critique and individual discussions 
   Selection of 3 areas for further development
   Idea sketches and concept development
              Sketch models

Homework:      Continue contextual research
                        Idea Generation and Exploration
  Idea sketches and concept development
  Sketch models

Week 4
In Class:          Class critique and individual discussions
                        Idea sketches and concept development
                        Sketch models

Homework:      Development of 3 directions
   Idea sketches and concept development
   Sketch models

Week 5                       
In Class:          Class critique and individual discussions
                        Selection of final direction
                        Presentation methods and finished Sketch models methods

Homework:      Development of final design and presentation collateral
   Draft version of MoMA catalog pages

Week 6            Class review of draft catalog pages
                         Individual meetings
                         Refinement of final design collateral and presentation planning

Homework:       Development of all final presentation items.

Week 7             Presentation and review of individual design proposals
                         Introduction of M1 project 2