
Students are expected to come to class on-time, attend the full duration of the class, and be prepared to make effective use of class work time. Three absences is grounds for an automatic failure (F ) Three tardies (10 min. late or early departure) = 1 absence  If you know you are going to need to be absent or late or will need to leave early let the instructor know ahead of time, and provide a plan for how and when you will get lecture information and make up any assignments.

Authorship and Originality

Students are always expected to do their own work and acknowledge or reference the work of others appropriately. Students may only enlist vendors or assistance from others in meeting of class requirements with prior approval of the instructor. Enlisting unapproved assistance may be grounds for failure of the class.

Class participation

Active participation in class crits is expected and will be part of the overall performance evaluation


Due assignment work may be marked down one letter grade for each week it is late starting 10 minutes after the beginning class session of the due date. Homework may not be accepted if it is not completed in the form as assigned. It will be returned to the student for revisions and considered late by the rules above. If you are absent you are still expected to have your work submitted on time. ( see attendance note above )


A final grade is determined by the instructor by assessment of incremental assignments
and the evaluation of each student over the course of the term considering the following:

1 ) The Resulting Work (Quality) ( 30 of 100 points )
subjective assessment of the quality of the work completed for the assignments

2) Level of Effort ( Quantity)( 20 of 100 points )
The quantity of work, level of complexity and challenge, and/or amount of time and energy evident in the student’s approach to the class goals

3) Growth ( Positive Change)( 10 of 100 points )
subjective assessment of the change in quality of the student’s work, character and/or approach over the term

4) Social skills ( 10 of 100 points ) *
Subjective assessment of the “ease to work with” and “value added to the class experience” by the individual student. This includes level of participation in and contribution to the overall state of the community and specific class social and information exchanges like class crits and generally showing appropriate respect for faculty and class members.
Because poor individual behavior can result in affect of other student’s experiences, in the event of significantly poor interpersonal performance or behavior the instructor may elect to deduct additionally up to 50 points from the total grade thereby constituting a failure. Examples of this situation include excessively disrespectful behavior to faculty or classmates or abuse of department resources

5) Communication Skills (10 of 100 points )
subjective assessment of relative ability to articulate and communicate in the design process, especially for presentations and client relations situations.

6) Intellectual depth  (10 of 100 points )
Subjective assessment of the student’s grasp of the subject matter and their ability to articulate and apply the dimensions of the subject matter to their assignments and in class critiques.

7) Professionalism ( 10 of 100 points )
 An assessment of the students ability to be organized, prompt, thorough, and prepared regarding class activities.